Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Shin Gansai watercolors.

My 20 year old set by Holbein and something new I got on Ebay. Completely different pigments.


Ziza said...

Lovely vintage wooden box set. Is the new one (not the one in the picture, but the one you've got yesterday) the same?

Nikira said...

Sorry, Ziza, didn't see it. Box is a little different and couple of paints sadly not the same. Wonderful pale pink and pale ochre is missing.

donnamcm said...

A friend of mine just gave me the same old boxed set. But i wonder where the artist would mix the paint?

Nikira said...

Oh, Donnamcm, you are so lucky, it is such a treasure. You mix it on a separate palette, or on a plastic plate. Japanese usually use few small porcelain dishes. Or you can add color as is, because it is premixed, and keep adding color to color just on paper.
Mine got drier with age, so I have to sprinkle with water first to activate the paint.