Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dancing boy.

I saw this boy on the Subway, on the platform, dancing to his own music. Dark silhouette against the urban landscape. It brought light and wonder into dusk of my own mood. Ink.


  1. Exquisite details, Nikira! And this sight would have made me smile inside too.

  2. Love this - made me smile looking at it and thinking of him dancing on the platform.

  3. That's awesome. I love the shadows and light... wow!

  4. Thank you, CrimsonLeaves, I added more black to the figure, to make it more sharp, the contrast. :-)

  5. Thank you, Julie, for me also it was mood changing point, he made me turn my head and leave my train, to look at him and draw.

  6. Thank you very much, Looseart! I am glad when little miracles happened. I was trying to be invisible, not to stop him from being free and himself.

  7. Thank you very much, Katherine! Shadows hold the mood, right?


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