Sunday, December 30, 2012


Little mess on the table and amazing grilled asparagus in ink and Kuretake. Colorful splashes, almost firework of ink indicates my happiness and delight, it was the best asparagus ever. I put bunch of seasonings on it: Turkish, Japanese, Georgian Khmeli Suneli, cumin, barberry, paprika, turmeric, grated cheese, oil and soy sauce and we grilled it for a few minutes on our new device Griddler.


  1. Fun piece showing what sounds like some darned fun and tasty asparagus!

  2. Sounds really tasty and looks delicious!!!! I adore your technique, Irina!!

  3. Thank you very much, CrimsonLeaves, I knew I had to draw it, too interesting green looked in deep warm red square dish. :)

  4. Thank you very much, Looseart. It was the best in taste and visually, we were tasting our new device my daughter was wanting for years. And everything in ink looks more appealing, right? :-)


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