Saturday, September 28, 2013

Central Park.

Central Park, right in the middle of Manhattan, a little piece of nature for exhausted stressed New Yorkers to stare on the reflection in the water, to unwind, to calm down and may be, to dream.
Me too. Was hoping that anxiety will let go, but, when the process is over, this piece of paper with ink does nothing. I used ink and Kuretake on Winsor and Newton paper.
A little bit of serotonin will be helpful.


  1. This is lovely - you really captured the light

  2. I love the light...hope it travels to your inner soul to ease your anxiety. Sometimes one must remain in nature!

  3. Thank you very much, Julie. I tried to play with rays of light and failed miserably (in my opinion). I wanted to cross all with 2 beams of light. May in the next drawing. :)

  4. Thank you very much for support, Trudy. Sorry, for being too miserable sometimes. I wish I can spend few days in peace somewhere on nature and think only about brushstrokes, composition and reflections.


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