Monday, January 21, 2013

Pool room.

In a process. Glad I am done in that freezing room on that shaky scaffolds.

Pretty narrow ledge, had to hold my palette behind my back, because was pressed against the wall.


  1. Absolutely amazing work!!! I'm beyound impressed!!

  2. Really stunning room, Nikira. You must be in great demand and have such wealthy clients!

  3. Thank you very much, Looseart. Structure on the ceiling was performed by few people, one of us was old Hungarian guy, who didn't speak English and operated with pencil on a string and moved scaffolds. I participated in sharpening up the idea and painted sky and landscape in 3 and a half days. Pool is pretty long, here is a half probably, or less. :-)

  4. Thank you, CrimsonLeaves! I would not say so. It is still a luxury, not necessity. Often I work for designer, who has connections, sometimes my own clients, sometimes it could be few jobs at the same time, sometimes nothing. Yesterday was 14 hour day.

  5. Смотрю-смотрю, и не могу понять: а тут плитка уже есть?

  6. Плитка (довольно угрюмая) идет до середины стены, колонны тоже из камня, а бассейн будет чем то заспрееен, вниз от синей плитки. :)


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