Sunday, December 16, 2012


I was deeply shocked by shooting of innocent small children in Connecticut. This the end of the world for their families, scars for life for their siblings and classmates, wound in the heart for everyone who consider themselves human. This is the first page in Gamma sketchbook, which I intended for happy sketch in a Subway with ink and Kuretake, but instead it took my tears and grief about 27 lives taken so violently.  How scary to live in the world where we can't protect our children?


  1. This painting says it all, Irina!! Great credit!! What a sad start for a new sketchbook..When will people understand, that weapons are no solution??

  2. What a beautiful piece, Nikira. You are so blessed to be able to put your emotions to paper. I seem unable to do so.

  3. This is such a moving piece of art. I had to leave the first viewing, but just keep returning. I hope New York is recovering nicely and your New Year is blessed.

  4. Thank you very much, Looseart. I was a little nervous to post it because it is pretty graphic. But at the same time it is to painful to be silent. Guns, yes, more control, but also families need help with mentally ill kids. In Russia mentally ill people had an opportunity to be in special institutions, if they were danger for themselves and society. I saw movie "Boy interrupted", amazing movie done by a mother of a child, it raises so many questions.

  5. Thank you very much, CrimsonLeaves, you should not be afraid to experiment. Even abstract splashes just to get the feeling. Or collage. I remember my teacher told me to express my visual emotion on tiny piece of paper along with figurative, more in academic style work.
    I often feel emotion is hard to put in visual images, so sometimes helps to think in images, at list for me.

  6. Thank you very much, Trudy. It is moving along in NY, but not that fast for us, because we still on temporary generators and very often power going off, which makes our skin crawl. But hopefully it will be better and better, when we'll get back to normal. :-)


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