Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sketches in the Hospital in Manhattan in Delta sketchbook.

I went to the hospital with my friend and spent there about 13 hours. Sketching kept me alert and patient, helped with worries about my friend. Strangers, we where locked up in the waiting room, waiting for news about people we love.
This man was reading but somehow he radiated hope and strength.

I was afraid to leave the room, so didn't go for food or coffee. Doctors could come any moment to talk to me or nurse could call from 2 old fashioned phones, hanging on the wall.
I stopped being me, I guess, I was worried, I became part of my friend. Some people, who came early, like me, were falling asleep.
I took with me water soluble pencils and water brush, and Pentel 8-in-one color pencil.
I drew in Stillman & Birn Delta sketchbook. What a wonderful paper, I am using it too fast, even sketching on both sides of the page. When turning pages, checking it in disbelief that it is one page, not two, just thick, strong and creamy paper.
This reading man looked like professor. On this woman my head dropped and I made her too dark.
Here, on the way home, I got the seat at few last stops, so sketched couple of heads.


  1. Nikira, you are so dedicated to your art. I love that you fill your down time with sketching. I suspect this is why you are so good at what you do. I should learn from you!

  2. Thank you very much, CrimsonLeaves. Drawing, sketching, thinking about it is the only way of living life for me. When we young we strive, getting pushed by teachers, then we don't know how else we can live if not in it. It is the only reality. :-)


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