Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sketching in Stillman&Birn and little Muji book.

Sketched from the office window with sepia ink and black Uranus pen (double sided) in Stillman&Birn sketchbook, Gamma series. I am still amazed how well paper takes layered washes. On the top drew Kuretake 13 brush pen. I want to get Pentel pocket brush and compare to Kuretake 13. One day.
Quick sketch in the dentist office in the little Muji book with Blackwing 602. Added bits of color with Muji pen and color pencil. I met interesting writer there and we had a little chat, exchanged numbers.


  1. As always, your sketches are beautiful, Nikira!

  2. Thank you very much, CrimsonLeaves, for your support, it is the best way to cope with reality. :-)


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