Sunday, February 12, 2012

Indian sweets.

One of the evenings was highlighted by spending time together and eating Indian food. We got sweets too, I didn't remember the names, but it was delicious and had interesting sauces. I used dishes with printed Toulouse Lautrec drawings, so vibrant colors and unusual taste created wonderful atmosphere.
I used Sepia ink and Kuretake brush pens. I was so busy last week, could not finish this drawing, so kept adding color in small portions and almost burned finished drawing, the last second I poured water on it. That was funny. This paper doesn't work well with fire.


  1. This is lovely. I love your choice & depths of colours a

  2. Thank you very much Sue Pownall, since I got new set of Kuretake brush pens, color crept into my sepia grisailles without asking me. :-)

  3. I really like the warm colors in this one!

  4. Thank you very much Tim Robinson, this wonderful Sepia is full of yellow/orange tints, but unfortunately not that strong and getting stringy too often.


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