Monday, November 28, 2011

Gotta share this wonderful artist.

Inge Löök

She made me laugh the whole morning.
She is a Finnish artist who was a professional gardener and now she is famous for her Granny postcards. When she was a child she lived in a building in Helsinki and had two neighbors old ladies who later become the prototype of her wonderful mischievous grandmas.


  1. Hahahaha xD Thank you for sharing!

  2. Wow! Great work, thank you so much for sharing.

    all the best to you, Oh, I just got my Kuretake zig pens, bought several holders and sepia inks and blue. Oh, can't wait to buy more. Thank you for all your inspiring works and post.

  3. Glad you like it Amber, so much fun this artist. :-)

  4. @ Joan. JetPens so cool, whenever I am down just looking at their pens and pencils lifts up my mood. Very curious what you gonna draw with it, which one is going to be your favorite. Good day. :-)


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