Thursday, October 6, 2011


Colors of October. Watercolor on Fabriano Studio 140 lbs pad.   I did it at the evening of that wonderful day we spent exploring beauty of autumn Upstate. We went to get honey, fresh vegetables from the local farm, we pet cows and stare at them eating corn, we saw little exhibit in the book store, followed interesting dressed people who asked us direction to Piano museum and visited that museum ( I took some photos). We shared beer and eat delicious fruit cake my friend brought from Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Most wonderful - we talked. I didn't have much time to draw.


  1. Though I look forward to seeing your beautiful work whenever (and wherever!! - bus, train, in "captivity") you can find time to create it and show it to us, just as much I am inspired by your joie for living and appreciation for life.
    This moment is the perfect teacher, no?

  2. Thank you very much ChristyP, I am glad we are on the same page, I agree life is the best teacher, than it is up to us to learn, analyze and experiment. :-)


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