Monday, August 15, 2011


Sketch in the evening. Watercolor and ink in Hand*book . I took with me Da Vinci Kolinsky brush, it was interesting to use it. Ideally paper should be bigger for it, since the brushstroke, when you lay down the brush, took too much space on such small drawing. It is travel brush, so to put it back in the cap you gotta wait till it fully dry, annoying. Gotta look at the brush with innovative cap, where the head of the brush goes in from the back, I think it is from Rose or Rosemary. I have it bookmarked somewhere.


  1. This is lovely. I love your shoe too at the top!

  2. Thank you very much for your kind words, Kelly. :-)

  3. Always a delight.

    Irina, which Da vinci travel are you using that you seem not to like? I was thinking of one to add to my Escoda.

  4. Hi Zoe, I like it , it is a very good quality, German but I think Rosemary in UK offer different brush, with different way of capping it , I have a link somewhere. I got it after Charles Reid. I heard Escoda is very good?

  5. I ordered Rosemary's new catalogue; there is nothing clear on her website. I have one of her sable brushes--good, but not perfect.

    Do you have the Davinci sable or the mix?

    The Escoda is terrific imo and was my first travel brush (Dakota Brushes).

    And Irina, I just got an update that the subway and buses will be curtained (stopped) tomorrow because of the hurricane.

    Please be safe and stay away from the Ocean and windows.


Hi, d'love to hear from you.