Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pizza Margherita.

I was kept away from drawing by really annoying force. But being trapped also part of life... Here ink drawing of delicious pizza Margherita, made by local pizza place, here in the mountains. I used couple of inks in Moleskine sketchbook. And we had my beloved layered Sheridan's liqueur.


  1. My searching Google Images for "umbrella couple fountain painting" included finding/reflecting your sketch entitled Childhood as via

    Attracted by its piercing beauty -- especially mostly in brown-tone relating to a recent fav'e foto received in sepia -- I quite enjoy your art overall; along with its month of November2010 dates 11/3 ('love pizza too) and 11/22 (two related births) special to me.

    Joe Tomczyk, retar'd from Motown to Blk Mtn, wNC

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words. Sitting and drawing at one o'clock in the morning I found your comment and it really made me happy, I am not alone anymore.


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