Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Subway scribble and Blackwing.

Doesn't scan properly, I am at the end of sketchbook. I am getting familiar with Blackwing. I got really good long point sharpener Palomino Kum, it is unbelievable, how well it works. And I got 3.15 leads for Shorty, 7B it says. Not sure it feels like 7B, but gotta give it a try. So sketch a little messy, I felt bad to waste a page, stuffed with few layers.


  1. I like this page, think it's one of your most successful. Enjoy the density of the layered images. Congrats! Glad you "wasted" the page! Sometimes frustration can lead to taking risks and jumping into new territory. You have.

  2. Hello! I'm Andy from, I work for CalCedar, who makes the Palomino Blackwing. Ohmigosh, this is really beautiful. I would love to feature this on our website. Would you be willing to email me your contact information? I'm at andy [at] pencils [dot] com.

    Again, great job. I love it!

  3. Thank you very much.Sure. I love Palominos, best pencils I ever draw with.


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