Sunday, August 22, 2010


I don't have enough patience to do detailed drawing. I used Falcon with Sepia ink and colored pencils, and touch of Sepia ink wash for value of trees. Every day Manhattan looks different, depending on the weather, time of the day and my mood.


  1. Great view and drawing. There are many reasons I'm glad I don't live in NYC but I must admit, from a sketching perspective, I'm jealous of New Yorkers. What a great place to draw. I followed you here from your Flickr posts. I really enjoyed seeing your drawings.

  2. Thank you very much. I am honored. True, it is not easy to live in NY, but also the beauty of discovering new angles of the same city - is a treasure for an eye. :-)

  3. Do you live in Warbasse? Building 5? Your art is amazing.

  4. Rufina, where are you from? Thank you so much for compliment. Do you draw? May be we can draw together?

  5. Hi, sorry did not answer you right away. I think I live in the same buildings, except I am in bld 5 and it looks like you are in bld 3 maybe if this is the view from your window
    I wish I was as artistic as you are
    long time ago I was, but layers of ordinary life kind of dusted over my creative ambitions and I no longer can sketch or paint
    your art is truly amazing!!!

  6. Cool! I have friend in Building 5. It is never to late to enjoy getting back into art field. Couple of friends of mine start drawing again, they used to draw in high school .

  7. I am interested in getting the Namiki Falcon pen, but I am not sure I can justify the expense. Is it really that good of a pen?

  8. Yes, the pen is amazing, the best I've ever had.


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