Tuesday, December 1, 2009

64 street in Brooklyn.

I parked so tight (rushing to the doc), half inch on each side, I didn't know I can do it. If I wont enjoy so much being a woman, I definitely wanna be a man! So I start sketching, hoping someone in front or back of my car will move out and free me. Didn't happen. But sketch was done. Ink in pocket Molly.


  1. I really like the perspective on this one especially with the cars so close in the foreground. Is painting in Brooklyn having a scene at every turn? I have a fascination with Brooklyn circa 1950 so might be romanticizing it a bit.


  2. Thank you, Tim. I think everywhere in Brooklyn- life has a special taste, italian, chinese, russian, indian, jewish boroughs. I enjoy the difference and dream to draw it all. Today I went to Manhattan and was shocked again by the beauty of faces on subway. I think its everywhere.


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